Red Cross Blood Mobile
St. Michael Church Parish Center
Bradford, Indiana
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
2:00 - 7:00 PM
Sign up at: or 1-800-733-2767
The American Red Cross will be having a blood-drive at St. Michael on Wednesday, February 7, 2024 from 2:00 - 7:00. THERE’S POWER IN THE BLOOD! Come be someone’s hero and a blessing to others. They are asking all potential donors to please sign up online at or call 1-800-733-2767 to schedule your donation. In the past, time slots filled fast, especially power-red. If you have trouble signing up, call Geralyn at 812-267-9834. As in the past, we’ll be serving chicken n’ dumplins, etc. also door prizes along with our St. Michael’s hospitality. If you have some free time and would like to help at the drive, give Geralyn a call. Please know that we truly appreciate ALL our donors and volunteers…FYI – this is our 36th consecutive year to host these drives. How awesome is that!
Chicken and Dumplins served to all donors!